Monday, January 30, 2006


This past weekend I saw a young lady walk by wearing a backpack with a cloth over it that had the following written on it:

"Conservatives are Nazis, Harper is Hitler, I'm ashamed to be Candian."

I was dumbfounded when I read this. I was shocked, offended, angry, and confused.

I was shocked because I could not believe that someone would be so ignorant to wear this. I understand that people are not Conservative supporters, but this was a little extreme.

I was offended because I am a proud Conservative and a proud Canadian. Is this person, and the person who came up with this material insinuating that I am of the same ilk as a dictator who committed horrible evils during his reign?

I was angry that someone would use the same freedom that was won for our country, and our entire world by defeating the very sane dictator and party that she compares the Conservative party to.

I was confused as to how anyone could actually believe that to be true.

Politics is all about differences, its about choosing a government most in line with what we believe in as citizens of this country. Living in a democratic country means accepting the outcome of an election, you do not always have to like it, but you better acknowledge the outcome of a system that you believe in. It is one thing to disagree with a government that you did not vote for, but to insult that party in this way is an insult to every single person who voted for that party. I disagree with Liberals and NDP policy, but I do not insult a person who votes for that party.

This person, and all who agree with that disgraceful view should be ashamed to be Canadian. I am ashamed for them.


At 4:59 PM, January 31, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I'm all for Freedom of speech, the key being the "freedom." Some people need to remember how we got that freedom, and they need to respect that.

That's all I'm saying!

At 2:19 PM, February 01, 2006, Blogger Hasty said...

I have had a couple similar experiences in the past:
While in the employment of a federal conservative leader, we were at the UBC campus for an event. UBC is of course renowned for their protesting - these people are professionals. They had a stage, a P.A. system, an MC and a program. And all of that is all good - democracy in action. What was not good was when one of the protesters told me to my face that I was an "effing racist". (Except she didn't say "effing"). I explained to her that I was not, and how could she say that since we've never met, and she actually backed down. The other experience was last June 2004 when Stephen Harper's tour was in town, and that protester guy who drives around in his "eff Klein" car was there. Have you guys seen him? Anyway he had a sign saying something to effect that "Conservatives = Nazis" and I confess: I lost it. I confronted him and told him he can call me wrong, or misguided, but how dare he compare me to a group that murdered over 6 million innocent people? He didn't say a word in response, but he did stop heckling.

What's my point? None I guess, except that there is definitely a higher tolerance in our society for calling conservatives names and making unfair judgments about us. Seems so ironic that we're so often judged for being judgmental, when we're the ones being judged!!! All we can do is stick to the high road I guess.

At 7:44 PM, February 01, 2006, Blogger Danson said...

The high road indeed Hasty... the fact that we are even acknowledging these "people" by discussing their ignorance is more attention than they deserve. They are a disgrace to humanity and everything that our ancestors have sacrificed to defend. They aren't exercising their freedom of speech, they are reversing decades of human rights activism and making it harder for protesters with a real issue to be taken seriously. I am just glad that, as always, humanity will prevail and progress will continue to be made in advancing democracy regardless of the unfettered ignorance of a few.

At 1:04 PM, February 02, 2006, Blogger Unknown said...

I think part of this stems from the post I wrote a few weeks ago about that Liberal senator who said "if someone calls you fat, call them ugly."

I know have seen and heard many times where some Liberal and NDP supporters are called "communists" I guess they see calling Conservatists "Nazis" as just returning the favour. I think both comments are very extreme as they both entail horrible past experiences for millions of people.

I agree with the confrontation of these people, not violent confrontation, but simple polite requests for an explanation on such an obscene remark. I don't agree with that Liberal senator, my recommendation is that if someone calls me fat, i walk up to them and ask them why they would say that.


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