Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Is it really the end of the WORLD!?

I was once told that you should never believe anything you read unless you have something else to back it up. Well I am going to go against that today and show you this article. I have to admit that I have read many things on Global Warming but never believed any of it because I distinctly remember being told early in grade school that we were headed for an ice age.

The other thing that makes me think that this Climate Change thing might be bunk is that I cannot imagine drastic, and they are calling for drastic, global change happening so quickly! Do you really think that if we continue to put CO2 into the atmosphere that we are going to destroy the planet overnight? I don't think so. That sounds way, way, way to convinient.

You see by telling people that they might die prematurely within their lifetime, will make them jump up and take action. It is a common ruse that lobbyists and alarmists use. For instance, if you do not stop riding that motorcycle, you may die before you reach the age of 30! Oh geez, is that true, wow, I should stop riding this bike then, oh my...bugger off!

I do not believe, nor have I ever believed that we are entering a phase of global warming because of destructive human activity. Just like the earth at one time was much warmer and then changed to become much colder, I believe there is a rational explanation.

Now, spewing toxins and chemicals into the ecosystem ain't a bright thing to do either, but let's be realistic about this. What people are advocating for right now is absolutely ridiculous. Think about it. Kyoto? Are you kidding me? That thing isn't worth the paper it is written on! What a waste of trees that thing was. None of the "strategies" aret thought out nor are they smart.

But then again, who says Al Gore is smart. I mean he did invent the internet right?

Everybody who reads this, please, use your own heads when you are making decisions.


At 3:10 PM, June 14, 2006, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is voodoo science. Global warming? So what! The earth is in constant flux and never remains constant. Ice ages preceed warmings. Glaciers form then melt. the geological record shows this. CO2 - carbon Dioxide - is not poison. Plants and trees love it! Gore has transformed himself into the next Micheal Moore with this film. And I will respect him just as much.


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