A scary hissy fit
Remember back in the federal election, Stephen Harper was supposed to be putting soldiers in our city streets? Haven't seen that yet...BUT, Edmonton city council was thinking, THINKING, about bringing in soldiers to help with Whyte Avenue...that will never happen but there was thoughts in that general direction. So who's scary now? Where is the Liberal outcry? Where or where? Oh I know where, it is that muffled screech you hear from under the bed because they are hiding because they know they have screwed this country up.
I mean how can this be a scary guy???
On another note, Ralph Klein has said that resource revenue should be left out of the equalization formula. I agree. My question is -- if that scary PM of ours decides to use resource revenue in the formula, what does Alberta do? We can't opt out of equalization so what are our options? Separation? Or do we just throw a hissy fit? There is very little that we can do I guess. Except threaten separation and I just cannot see that happening because that is just not our nature. But something to think about. Where do we go? This is the federal government that WE wanted and we got what we wanted. What are our options now? A hissy fit just doesn't fly anymore...
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