Thursday, December 01, 2005

Guest Column by Doug Griffiths, MLA Battle-River Wainwright

This was something that Doug sent to me the other day. I think it sums up what everybody around Alberta is, nay should, be thinking...

In the previous federal election Ralph Klein was berated for his comments about healthcare and the changes that were coming. In truth, Ralph said the same thing everyday for months . . . that the changes Alberta was bringing forward on an assigned date would be a ‘third way’ that would revolutionize healthcare for the better. The Alberta media reported it day in and day out and announced that Albertans should pay attention on that day because good or bad, the changes would be interesting. No fear mongering, and no affect on federal politics occurred, until . . . .

The day of the announcement, scheduled months before any election call, happened to be only a few days before the culmination of the federal election. A week before the announcement Ralph said the same thing he said for months in preparation for the big day . . . be ready, the changes will be interesting and may even contravene the Canada Health Act. However, on that particular day, would be Prime Minister Paul Martin jumped on the remarks and said that Ralph was in league with Mr. Harper to destroy Healthcare in Canada. Some people blamed the Premier outright for the federal Conservatives loss and wanted to see Ralph leave.

But you know what, if Ralph had said, “In the interest of the upcoming federal election I will not talk about what we are going to do,” or “No comment,” the headlines would have said, “Ralph keeps health changes secret.” Paul Martin would have still jumped on it saying, “See, Ralph and Steven are in league together. The Premier won’t comment because he knows it will hurt Steven since they have the same plans to destroy healthcare in this country.” The Premier was damned if he did, and damned if he didn’t. Paul Martin would have used it against conservatives either way.

So last week the Premier is around the country talking about how Alberta’s prosperity is good for the nation and it should not be raided. He was trying to build allegiances with the other provinces against the feds to ensure there was no such thing as another National Energy Program in any form. In one interview the Premier was asked what he thought the results of the federal election would be. His comments were . . . well, you know I don’t like it but I would likely bet on a Liberal minority, which is really unfortunate because Steven Harper is obviously an intelligent and thoughtful man, but you know, for some reason Ontario is still buying into the idea that Steven and the conservatives are too right wing, which just isn’t true. BUT, the headlines said, ‘Ralph bets on Liberals – Harper too far right’. I agree it would have been better not to comment, but every one of us knows how the federal LIBERAL media takes things out of proportion and twists words to make problems. Whatever the Premier said would have been twisted to look bad for conservatives in general. Don’t believe me? Did anyone else notice that every single one of the commentators for the CBC covering the non-confidence motion was wearing a red tie (Liberal color)! Ralph’s words were true and honest, and NOT what the media made them out to be.

Keep this in mind . . . the Federal Liberals have one election strategy that they have used effectively for 30 years – Divide and Conquer. They divide the natives against the white man, the French against the English, and the West against the East. They have done it time and time again, year after year, election after election. These days however they have a new target – conservatives. If the Liberals can successfully divide the federal conservatives against the provincial conservatives they will win again. And you must know, this election will be about attacking Alberta, our policies, our wealth, our values and our Premier . . . anything to make Ontario mad at conservatives in general in order to cause a conservative loss federally.

If we give in to that and act as the Liberals want we will get one result; the end of conservatism. We will look like we can’t lead and we won’t win the next election (yes, I said WE because I am a federal conservative and got my start in politics serving as a federal constituency president). It could also lead to further division of the right within this province, which could lead to a Liberal government here too! How would that make things better for any of us? I know we have improvements to make in this province to . . . we always will be improving . . . and I am working on it getting it done sooner than later.

I don’t normally get so political, but I want a federal conservative government and a conservative provincial government. I want everyone to know the Liberal tactics in doing this, and I want us to unite to eliminate the real bad guys.

Doug Griffiths


At 12:47 PM, December 01, 2005, Blogger Unknown said...

Well said.
Another interesting point to bring up is the disparity in treatment regarding inter-party disputes. On the one hand we have Premier Klein's comments that were blown so out of proportion that people thought he was campaigning for the Federal Liberals, and on the the other hand, we have a former Liberal Prime Minister, Jean Chretien, file a lawsuit about an inquiry that his successor asked for. So where are the headlines of trouble in the Liberal party? Where are the editorials of how Chretien is sabotaging his old party? What? There aren't any? How very interesting.

The reason it is so easy to pick on the Conservative party is that we are straightforward about our intentions. Its sad that the Liberal policy of saying what people want to hear to get elected, and then doing what they want anyway afterwards, has become the accepted form of campaigning.

At 12:36 PM, December 05, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Federal Liberal party has a long and well established history of internal warfar. Think about Chretien bringing down Prime Minster Turner. Then Paul Martin's 10 year campaign to dethrone Chretien. And on and on it goes. But where they have always has conservative beat, at least Federally, is that they The Federal Liberal party has a long and well established history of internal warfare... But they are smarter about it than us conservatives.. Think about Chrétien bringing down Prime Minster Turner. Then Paul Martin's 10 year campaign to dethrone Chrétien. And on and on it goes. But where they have always has conservative beat, at least federally, is that they stopped short of destroying the party just to get their personal revenge and leadership ambitions fulfilled.

Why is it that Federal Conservative leader's don't just get defeated, but devoured by their own parties? The Chief, Stanfield, Joe Clark, Stock Day... all knifed in the back and destroyed and the party/movement got the worst of it. In the 60's, and 70's, we hurt ourselves. But more recently, in 1987 and especially in 2000, if we had kept our civil war on the inside, I think we would be in power today. How different would the conservative movement in Canada be today if we were smart enough to not wreck the party every time we have a leadership change? (partisan plug: Also, you have to give props to Mr. Day and his supporters. Since losing the leadership in 2003, have you ever, even once, heard a rebellious or disloyal or vengeful peep from them? No. In fact, from Stock to Jason Kenney, the "Day people" have proven their trustworthiness with Harper's people to the point where Harper has given them real roles of influence. Mr. Day is the official foreign affairs critic, and Jason Kenney is deputy house leader and QP coordinator. Those are not small roles. And the Day people had a lot of reason to be angry/spiteful. Now that is grace, and a model that other conservatives should follow in the future.)

Back to the main point: Until now, say what you will about Martin's regicide's nastiness, the Liberal party was at least smart enough to keep the party's interests in the fore-front, and so they did their warfare mostly behind closed doors. Which is why its so fascinating and encouraging to see Chrétien vs. Martin, round 76, starting up just as the writ is dropped. Go Jean Go! Teach "PM the PM" a lesson!party just to get their personal revenge and leadership ambitions fulfilled. How different would the conservative movement in Canada be today if we were smart enough to do the same?

Why is it that Federal Conservative leader's don't just get defeated, but devoured by their own parties? The Chief, Stanfield, Joe Clark, Stock Day... all knifed in the back and destroyed and the party/movement got the worst of it. In 1987 and in 2000, if we had kept our civil war on the inside, I think we would be in power today.

Until now, say what you will about Martin's regicide, the Liberal party was at least smart enough to keep the party's interests in the fore front, and so they did their warfar mostly behind closed doors. Which is why its so facinating and encouraging to see Chretien vs Martin, round 76, starting up just as the writ is dropped. Go Jean Go!


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