Sunday, November 25, 2007

The Next Edmonton Centre MLA...

The Edmonton Centre Progressive Conservative Association welcomes Bill Donahue as their candidate in the next provincial election...

Come out and meet Bill...

Tuesday, November 27th
Basement of PC Headquarters
(9919-106 Street)

6:00pm - 7:00pm

Monday, November 12, 2007


Edmonton Centre Nomination
Thursday, November 15th
5pm - 9pm
Polish Hall, Lower Banquet Room
10960-104 Street

What you need to vote:
- a 2007 PCAA membership
- two (2) pieces of identification, one of which shall be a photo I. D.

Both pieces of identification must indicate the same residency within the constituency Edmonton-Centre.

Memberships will be made available for purchase.

For more information contact Rochelle Marshall at 990-6585