Thursday, August 24, 2006


Check this out here. I am not complaining to heavily on this because I know that the Conservatives, Liberals, and the NDP all get this as well, but it is just something that hurts just that much more. When the majority of the House is controlled by the Common Sense Party, the Conservatives, maybe some changes could be made to save this country some money. Changing this program might be a start.

After they get rid of the bigger the CBC.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

"Laurie Blakeman Retirement Party"

Dinning aims at win in '08
August 23, 2006

Tory leadership front-runner Jim Dinning says that if he wins the contest to replace Ralph Klein, he wants the party ready to fight an election by 2008.

The former provincial treasurer told the Edmonton Centre PC Association last night that if he takes over the reins in 2007 he will take cabinet and caucus on the road to restore confidence in the party.

He said he will encourage grassroots Tories to draft new policy and begin a vigorous recruitment of candidates "so we're ready for an election that will take place sometime after 2007."

"I want to make sure that we not only win the election, but we win it on a platform that we can defend ... and most importantly that we have fun doing it."

He wants to start by taking back the Edmonton Centre riding from Liberal Laurie Blakeman.

"That Laurie Blakeman retirement party will be the best party in the province," he told a standing-room only crowd at the Maverick Brewery.

Tory Neil Reid said the party renewal that Dinning is preaching is essential because the Tories took quite a hammering in the riding last election.

"What Jim Dinning is talking about is required in Edmonton Centre. If we sit on the status quo, we'll take another hammering."

Education Minister Gene Zwozdesky, a Dinning supporter, says he's gearing up for 2008.

"I'm delighted Jim has come out and said when the next election will be," he said.

Calgary West MLA Ron Liepert, another Dinning fan, said a 2008 election makes sense.

"Can the party rejuvenate itself? With this guy the leader? Absolutely."

Monday, August 14, 2006

ECPCA - In The News

The Edmonton Centre PC Association got a shout-out in Saturday's Edmonton Journal.

More information on the ECPCA Summer Speaker Series can be found here.

Excerpt From:
Parades, Barbecues, with a Side of Politics
Edmonton Journal

August 12, 2006 - A17
Archie McLean and Jason Markusoff

"Why is Ed Stelmach seeking the leadership?" the candidate asks about himself, launching into his well-practised introductory speech. But this is not the usual Progressive Conservative crowd.

These urban, 20- and 30-something Tories may be a growing and increasingly relevant demographic in an ever-younger and rapidly urbanizing Alberta. About two dozen have come to the Maverick Brewery to size up Stelmach's leadership bona fides at a forum sponsored by the Edmonton Centre PC association.

As they sit with their beer and wine, Stelmach outlines his campaign principles and promises. They range from the vague -- improve Albertans' "quality of life" -- to specifics about setting up registries for government lobbyists and contractors to "remove perception of a one-party state."

During the question period, an audience member asks about environmental regulations, expressing worry that young people see the Tories as siding with industry. Stelmach, a one-time agriculture minister, suggests clean-burning biodiesel made from corn and other crops is a promising solution. Then, leaning on his recent experience as international affairs minister, he discusses imbalances caused by U.S. crop subsidies. Judging from the audience reaction, that may not have been the answer the young Edmontonians expected.

Another asks Stelmach about how he proposes to get more youth involved in politics. He replies by recalling that he became interested in politics when he was in school. So perhaps politicians should spend more time speaking to high-school classes, he reasons.

The crowd is fairly receptive, praising him as an honest, earnest candidate. Others react positively, too -- including a former cabinet minister and a former Liberal MLA, who both take him aside afterwards to offer some advice.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

August 22, 2006

The conspirator in me couldn't resist this.

In case you want more evidence that the end is near, check out The Rapture Index.
158? 158? You know how hard it is to find a contractor in Alberta? I need a bomb shelter, stat!